Another year has come and gone. We are still here, and for most mortals, so is the clutter. Clutter isn’t exclusive to a closet, pantry or family room. Clutter also creaps into our digital worlds. If not tamed, it can be an unruly beast that continues to grow bigger and stronger. What would it look and feel like if you could eliminate digital clutter to free up time and space in your life?
To control the digital clutter beast, here are 5 things you can do to show your clutter who is boss.
Create a Productive Space by Clearing your Email Inbox: First, think of your email as a “room” within your “technology house.” Second, go through each email received and decide if you want to read this type of email moving forward. If it doesn’t bring you value, “unsubscribe” your email address and experience the results of a more intentional inbox “closet” that is uniquely curated to bring you the information that fits you the best. Consequently, the minutes you will save currating your email inbox will leave you feeling calm and in control of your preferred content.
Dump your Downloads into Your Recyling Bin: We download files ALL THE TIME…these files often then remain in our Downloads section of our computer. Sometimes these files can remain untouched for years, and are often a duplicate of a file that we already have saved somewhere else within our documents folder. Here are your 1-2-3 easy steps to dump your downloads. First, open your downloads window, and make sure that you have the files you need saved elsewhere. Second, delete larger downloaded files that are taking up precious digital “drawer” space in your technology house (aka your computer). Third, send these monstrous MG to G size files to the recyle bin. When you are ready, empty your bin and dump those downloads for good. Your computer will have more memory and storage space, and so will you!
Folders and Files
Clean up your Digital “Room” on your Desktop: Oh the freedom we enjoy when we can customize our desktop with a picture that brings us joy. Too soon, the reality of the day to day use of folders and files, reveals digital “clothing” strewn about on the floor of our digital rooms. The joy is now blocked, and begins to fade, as icons and folders take over and eliminate our views. From calm to clutter, our brains have to work that much harder to sift through the graphics fighting for our attention. Put your files way today to free up time and space tomorrow.
Audit your Apps on your Smart Device(s): What if you only had apps on your smart device that you actually used and could recognize on a dime? Your approach to organize your apps is to treat them like you would audit your closet. Do I recognize this icon? Is this something I need? When did I last use this? Does this make my phone look fat? By taking a good hard look at your apps, in turn you will really be taking a hard look at YOUR LIFE. What do these apps say about you and the way you spend your time? What would it feel like to look on your home screen of your smart phone, and love each and every one of the apps you see? Eliminate digital clutter smartly and find your “hAPPy” in your app life.
Clean up your Photos on your Smart Phone: I basically photograph moments where I find beauty. As you can image, I have a ton of photos that I take on my smart phone and that are instantly backed up in the cloud. However, cloud storage space is not free and infinite. Therefore, I approach my photos as art that I intentionally decide to display on the digital walls of my life’s gallery. A favorite app I use to eliminate digital clutter is called Smart Cleaner. This app allows you to “clean” your photo file clutter using the app’s optimaization capabilities. Per Smart Cleaner’s “Cleaning Guide,” you can actively clean up your smart phone to clear unwanted files to optimize storage. Smart digital cleaning!
Now What?
Now that you’ve taken action to tackle your digital clutter, what will you do with your newly found free time and space?
Leave a comment in the space down below, or contact me to discuss a specific problem you are still having.
Check out the Redfin article that featured Life Planned and Organized!