Organizing Your Life in a Box
A type of personal document management involves organizing your life in a box. For instance, this box can literally be a file box or a file cabinet. By the same token, you can choose a digital “drawer” and organize your life documents in a virtual box, utilizing the cloud to store your data. Whether working with hard papers or digital files, having a defined system in place, that “boxes in” your information all in one place, is essential to keeping your life documents Planned and Organized.
What if I told you that there was a simple way to bring all of your important documents together? In other words, a way to organize information so that it is all in one place, and ready to go when you are?
The result of using a planned and organized system can help you get your ducks in a row, dot your i’s, cross your t’s and bring you ultimate peace of mind.

Therefore, I’d like to offer a solution for organizing your important documents and vital records:
A Life Documents Organizer!
Planning and Organizing your Life in a Box
By the end of this post, you will:
- know what a life organizer is,
- understand the benefits of creating one, and
- learn how to create a system that works best for you.
And, if this all feels too overwhelming, I have a Life Planned and Organized signature service to help you fast track getting your affairs in order.
What is a Life Documents Organizer?
A life documents organizer is a paper or electronic filing system that holds a person’s most essential papers. As a rule, the filing system organization consists of files and folders. The system is planned out in a manner that makes the most sense to the user. Ultimately, the goal of filing is to be able to find information when you need it!
Generally, these are the categories containing important documents to keep safe.
- Digital / Online Accounts
- Financial Accounts
- Financial Obligations
- Household Utilities
- Important Legal Documents
- Insurance Policies
- Investment Portfolios
- Medical Records
- Military
- Pension Plans and Retirement Benefit Info
- Proof of Identity and Relationships
- Sources of Income/Assets
- Tax Statements
- Titles or Deeds to Any Property
Why you Should Organize Your Personal Documents Now
There are a multitude of reasons to create and use a personal document management system. Here are 5 benefits of a having a Life Documents Organizer:
- Anxiety Relief
- Declutter Your Life
- Emergency Preparedness
- End of Life Planning
- Save Money and Time
How to Create a Life Documents Organizer
Design a System that Makes Sense for You
Generally speaking, I advise having your important documents in both paper and electronic systems. Within these two formats, choose systems that organize information in a way that makes the most sense for you. If you enjoy aesthetics, gravitate towards a visual system that makes it pleasing and easy to access your info. However, remember that the ultimate goal is to have a functional system and a process that allows you to organize and find the information when you need it most.
Use File Folders
Create file folders to store your documents. In a paper system, utilize hanging file folders, and/or add file folders to organize your papers. Likewise, in a digital filing system, create “parent” folders, and subsequently, if necessary, further create “child” folders for maximum organization. In any case, your information will reside within the folder categories you have designated responsibility to.
Audit and Edit your Data
First, decide what papers to keep and what to throw away. Decluttering paperwork, and digital decluttering are essential first steps. Then, organize the essential documents that are remaining. Benefits of going through this edit process will help you determine what items may be missing or incomplete. By doing an audit of your life documents, you are planning first, and then organizing second.
Backup your System
This should go without saying, but it is IMPERATIVE that you have backup copies of your life documents. For this reason, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of having both paper and digital files. In addition, you should have copies of your original papers, and you should have multiple backups of your digital documents. Moreover, these copies and backups should be stored in a separate and secure location other than your home.

Questions, Comments?
Checklist of Important Legal Documents – FDIC
Everplans – Checklist: Documents to Organize and Share
Use HomeZada for Storing Documents for Your Home
HomeZada Disclosure
The selection below contains an affiliate link to HomeZada, a company and product that I support. This means I receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through the link.
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