Every once in a while, life can just be a beach. Consequently, one single wave can knock you off your feet. What’s helped me deal with these unexpected ‘waves’ are my efforts to plan for them in advance.
In this post, you will learn how to organize your life to expect the unexpected NOW, because life can ‘happen’ when you least expect it. I’m going to guide you through three specific unexpected life events to show you how to organize your life now to expect the unexpected later on.
If your aging parents suddenly became critically ill, would you be able to find their living will or advance directive? Here are Four Ways To Organize Your life to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED event of your aging parents becoming unexpectedly ill.
- Firstly, have a proactive conversation with your aging parents to prepare for this unexpected, but inevitable, event.
- Secondly, determine if your parents have a living will, advance directive, and power of attorney for both medical and financial.
- Additionally, backup and store these records in a SHARED AND SECURED LOCATION that both you and your parents will access.
- Further, plan to BRING PHYSICAL COPIES to the hospital to share with your parent’s medical care provider so that everyone can quickly and accurately be on the same page.
Aging Parents – In Conclusion
Finally, after preparing your plan, enjoy the shared experience of ANXIETY RELIEF AND PEACE OF MIND. Now you can use your remaining time together to focus on what truly matters most.
Recommended Reading
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Life Planned and Organized is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
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Would you be prepared if you or your loved one were startlingly in an unforeseen car accident today? With this in mind, here are five possible ways to prepare for the possibility of an unwanted car accident occurring in the future.
- Firstly, make sure that you have your current vehicle registration and proof of insurance protectively stored in a secure location in your car.
- Then, organize your current drivers license and your car insurance card in your wallet.
- Next, plan, prepare, organize and maintain an emergency kit for your car. Remember to plan for the needs for all family members and pets that could be involved.
- Further, keep a few pens and a dedicated small notepad in which you will write down vital details such as the make, model, and color of car. In addition, to take down the driver’s name, driver’s car insurance company, driver’s phone number and driver’s email.
- Finally, anticipate using your smartphone to take as many pictures as possible after an accident. If you don’t use a smart phone, purchase, in advance, a disposable camera that is to be kept in your car’s emergency kit and used for this potential situation.
After–Action Plan Following a Car Accident
Equally important, after you have completed your pre-car accident preparation and organizing, you should consider your after-car accident plan.
The law offices of Joseph J. Cariglia have prepared an excellent after action plan detailing 10 Steps to Take After A Car Accident.
Car Accident Today – In Conclusion
In summary, prepare a customized plan today that you will utilize in the future following a potential accident.
Upon the unexpected event, you will pull out your printed plan and rely on your pre-planned thought and emergency action plan steps to safely guide you through the after-accident process.
Recommended Reading and Supplies
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Life Planned and Organized is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Therefore, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
If you or your life partner suddenly lost their job, would you have an emergency action plan in place ready to execute?
For example, would you have a financial emergency plan that takes into account what you need to maintain your present lifestyle and meet other financial obligations?
Here are Five Preventative Ways to make UNEXPECTEDLY LOSING A JOB not suck as much as it could.
- Firstly, appreciate the fact that you already put into place a pre-established household budget that is regularly maintained. Additionally, the loss of income might be unexpected, but what you can rely on, is knowing the actual number you need in income to work for the number you have in expenses.
- Next, always keep your resume dusted off, your professional networking social media sites up to date, and network proactively even when you already have a job. Overall, leave yourself room to grow and be open to opportunity.
- Further, know the amounts, and type, of savings you have available that may be liquid and/or invested in the event that you become involuntarily unemployed. In the meantime, if you don’t have savings in place, start paying yourself NOW.
- The fourth step is to document and put a self-care plan in place so that it is ready to activate if/when this sudden change occurs. Above all, this will help battle job loss depression and maintain your sense of self and self worth.
- Finally, the fifth step is to investigate job loss insurance NOW while you have a job, anticipating the possibility of a future job loss. Correspondingly, explore the pros and cons of supplemental unemployment insurance by checking out this article called “Is Job Insurance Worthwhile” by Alison Doyle, a job search expert for The Balance Careers.
Recommended Reading and Supplies
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Life Planned and Organized is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Therefore, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

In conclusion, life CAN happen when you least expect it. Even if you are super prepared, emotion alone can knock you off your feet.
For me, being a highly sensitive person who lives in the ocean of emotion, it works extremely well for me to have the details planned and organized ahead of time.
This way, when I am knocked down by a surprise, I can just focus on swimming and keeping my head above water.

Life’s a Beach. Let’s Ride the Waves Together.
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